Tuesday, November 29, 2016


We people are sometimes romantic, sometimes jealous , sometimes emotional and sometimes we don't even know our own character.
Before you can define who you are, you have to understand your personality. I ask myself who am i? what do i like to do?? My heart beats and answer defines my personality. People around us having variety of  personality. May it depends on nature and as well situation at particular point. It is very difficult to judge a person on a single situation. Sometimes  a person is very cruel in a point and very next point he is as gentle as you expected. We usually measure personalities based on some traits are actions, attitudes and behavior .
Personality traits treat as positive if one is calm, cool and compact at any situation, Behave or express gently , Adaptability are great and last but not the least honesty ...

The bottom line i am still trying to define my personality to someone and MY HEART BEATS......

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